Wood briquettes are an alternative fuel source made of dry, compressed wood fibers produced by specialized manufacturers. They come from dkbrænde.dk or factory-refilled logs and factory-poured into a block or log form, usually without added materials, although they may contain other additives such as peat, black, or newspaper. As wood briquettes burn, they form a dense, hot flame with an aromatic odor; some people find the odor strong enough to be unpleasant on the breath. But others enjoy its distinctive “old-world” flavor.

Briquettes are available in a wide range of compositions, from low moisture content (HV) to medium moisture content (MV). HV wood briquettes require less frequent combustion because they do not retain so much moisture. Also, they have less smoke than VOC-based products. However, HV wood briquettes produce a greater amount of ozone and carbon monoxide. The emissions are higher if the wood is not seasoned prior to burning.
The pellets of wood briquettes are similar to the solid fuel mass of a regular firewood fire. Except for their application to fireplaces and stoves, where it acts as a transition fuel between different types of energy sources, most people burn the pellets as a closed-tube gas insert, in a hopper or similar container. A small hole is cut in the top of the insert so that the insert can be poured into the hopper, and the air is drawn through the hole. Because of the air-flow pattern, there is no significant rise in temperature because no air enters or leaves the insert through the small hole, unlike the case with a solid fuel mass. The result is much better efficiency.
Because wood briquettes burn faster and produce more ashes in less time than traditional firewood, they are used more efficiently. They also produce less soot and ash. There are several advantages of using wood briquettes over other fuels sources. The first advantage is that they allow for complete control over the combustion process, resulting in very high BTUs (British Thermal Units) and minimal ash output.
The second advantage is that they have very high heat output. In fact, they have the highest reported BTUs of all firewood and wood briquettes, giving them the ability to heat a large room quickly. This makes them excellent for heating a home when space is limited. Another advantage is that their high heat output makes them excellent choices for generating heat for industrial applications such as drying and grinding engines and for starting fires.
The third advantage is that they have significantly less moisture content than most normal firewood and dry kindling. It is because of this that they are usually sold in bag or box forms, as you would find with dry kindling. This makes it easier to move the logs from one location to another. And their moist content prevents the formation of mold, which can inhibit the quality of the finished product.